Saturday, January 2, 2010

Ive been having the same dreams about the same two guys.
The last one I understood what my unconscious self was trying to tell me.
Its starts off with me sitting in a room with long rows of chairs side by side. Every now and then a group of people are sitting down. I look across from me and see this guy thats been on my mind for the last few days, lets call him #1. So its just me and #1 looking at each other, while one of my friends is talking to me. More people come but they dont really have a body, they are more or less shadowy figures. After a while #1 starts getting up and I turn to face my friend, and when I look back #1 is gone. So I ask my friend and a few of the shadow people where he went, and these are the first words to come from my mouth the entire dream. So I start to run around to look for him but finely I just give up because I know he is gone and I wont ever see him again. The some mild fear kicks in and I wake up.

I wanted to ask if one of you can tell me what you think of this dream.I dont mind if no one answers.

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

3:40 am

Lets face it, dreams must mean im getting sleep. Ive been sleeping well for about a week now. Im so anxious to see this guy that this is the first time ive had sleeping problems within that week. I already know what I want to tell him, and I already know what I want to do with him.

I cant wait! I just need to sleep

Friday, September 4, 2009


Sat next to you in class

Held your hand

Held my soul on my face

Sat next to you in class

Held your lips

Held my heart to your heart

Sat next to you in class

Held your mind

Held my thoughts to your thoughts


Wednesday, September 2, 2009


Played with your hand

Played with my hand

Looked at you

Looked at me

Spoke to you

Spoke to me

Went to my room

Went to my bed

Held me tight

Didnt let go

Always wanted that

We get up

You fell down

Fell beside you

Held you tight

Didnt let go

Didnt want to let go

Didnt want to miss this

Didnt want to loose you

Didnt want to...

Woke up

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

I hate this layout, puke green. Why would they have this color on here? I shouldnt complain because I probably wont change it.

I hate pills, all they do is make me feel lethargic. I also got this tea with some junk in it. Damn thing made me even more awake.

The other night I thought "I could start writing a story in case my english teacher asks for one." So I wrote about an insomniac and what he does at night, somehow it mirrored my night. I wrote for about 2 hours and fell asleep! It makes a bad story but it would make a good short movie.

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

didnt think it would be like that

I tried reading a new book I got today, Swann's Way (i hope thats what its called). I only got a couple of pages in and then I had to put it down. Turns out the main character has insomnia.

I thought reading something would help me sleep. That wont help when Im comparing my night with his. I just hope reading more will help me sleep.

Its now 3:01 am

Saturday, April 4, 2009

so early?

I cant believe that 4:19 am came so fast.