Saturday, January 2, 2010

Ive been having the same dreams about the same two guys.
The last one I understood what my unconscious self was trying to tell me.
Its starts off with me sitting in a room with long rows of chairs side by side. Every now and then a group of people are sitting down. I look across from me and see this guy thats been on my mind for the last few days, lets call him #1. So its just me and #1 looking at each other, while one of my friends is talking to me. More people come but they dont really have a body, they are more or less shadowy figures. After a while #1 starts getting up and I turn to face my friend, and when I look back #1 is gone. So I ask my friend and a few of the shadow people where he went, and these are the first words to come from my mouth the entire dream. So I start to run around to look for him but finely I just give up because I know he is gone and I wont ever see him again. The some mild fear kicks in and I wake up.

I wanted to ask if one of you can tell me what you think of this dream.I dont mind if no one answers.